5 Ways To Boost Open Rates In Your Email Sequences

Описание к видео 5 Ways To Boost Open Rates In Your Email Sequences


Why Is The Email Open Rate Important?

The answer to this is pretty straightforward. The email open rate is a metric that defines how much of your emails from your campaigns are clicked and opened by your email lists.

Use A Strong Subject Line

This tip should be obvious. A weak subject line will only deter the reader into clicking the email open.

Determine The Best Schedule To Send Out Emails

Another factor that determines an email’s open rate is the time it is sent. But here’s the thing. There is no clear-cut one-size-fits-all schedule for sending emails.

Audit, Clean Up and Segment Your Email List

This one should be done regularly. Cleaning out your email list will make sure that only your loyal contacts are in your list.

Send Reminder or Follow-Up Emails To Those Who Did Not Open Your Emails

Sending reminders or follow-ups to people in the email lists lets you know who among them are still interested in receiving your content.

Make It Work

Now that we’ve shared some of the top email marketing tips to boost your open rates

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