Doom Eternal Ancient Gods, part 2: Mech vs Titan

Описание к видео Doom Eternal Ancient Gods, part 2: Mech vs Titan

No one reads these, huh.
Spoilers obviously
Skip to like 2:40 to get to the mech bits
I made a version with music from Pacific Rim
They totally ripped off Avengers Endgame. Yes yes, we know, Hugo designed Jaegers for Pacific Rim. Fuck Uprising, fuck the anime.
Turned off comments cause you fucks can't come up with anything other than Avengers assemble or omfg11010 they totally copied Hunter Vertigo. Fuck the anime
Also these are probably the size of Emperor battle titans.
And that's the Cosplay Slayer skin

It took me longer than I care to admit to figure out turning off HUD and crosshair and using the precision bolt scope to film. Preeeetty sure I got all the big mech/Atlan moments, they're all simple, but epic, looping animations.


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