Time Blocking - A Day in the Life of Batching My Work

Описание к видео Time Blocking - A Day in the Life of Batching My Work

Time blocking and batch processing your work, which is doing the same task or kind of work within a larger chunk of time within a day, has become super popular productivity strategy for getting more done in ultimately less time.

In this video, I take you into my calendar on a day where I'm scheduled to batch process podcast interviews back to back, all day. We talk about the pros of batch processing, and I also share mistakes I made along the way.

Do you batch process your work? For us content creators, it can be the difference between having a queue of content to share over time, or feeling like you're on the content hamster wheel that can lead to overwhelm and a decrease in content quality, too.

The Smart Passive Income Podcast: http://www.smartpassiveincome.com/itunes

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