【養和快問快答】白袍血壓高 White Coat Syndrome — 張宇醫生(養和醫院家庭醫學專科醫生)

Описание к видео 【養和快問快答】白袍血壓高 White Coat Syndrome — 張宇醫生(養和醫院家庭醫學專科醫生)

病人在診所的 #高血壓 度數如高於日常量度的數值,便可能屬於 #白袍血壓高 。養和家庭醫學專科醫生 #張宇醫生 為你講解此症狀的定義,以及 #24小時動態血壓監測 的作用。

When the high blood pressure reading at clinic is higher than usual reading, patients may have white coat syndrome. Dr. Vincent CHEUNG, Specialist in Family Medicine, will talk about the syndrome and the function of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.

00:00 白袍血壓高White Coat Syndrome
00:10 如何定義血壓高?What is the definition of high blood pressure?
00:38 甚麼是白袍血壓高?What is white coat syndrome?
01:19 24小時動態血壓監測有什麼作用?What is the function of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring?
02:31 白袍血壓高是「良性」,所以毋須擔心?Is white coat syndrome really a “benign” condition? Is it OK to leave it unattended?

For more details, please visit below website and contact us:

養和家庭醫學及基層醫療中心HKSH Family Medicine and Primary Care Centre

跑馬地Happy Valley: 2835 8600
中環 Central: 2523 7887
丹拿山Tanner Hill: 2219 9012
太古Taikoo: 2563 6655
港島東Island East: 2917 1180


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