Seiken Densetsu 3 - Lise Video Walkthrough 1/3

Описание к видео Seiken Densetsu 3 - Lise Video Walkthrough 1/3

This is the first of three videos in the video walkthrough / playthrough / runthrough / etc of the game Seiken Densestu 3 in which Lise is chosen as the main character. This video goes from the start of the game up to right before I do a class change after escaping Bucca Island.

Only problem I think in this particular video was that the Tzenker fight took longer than I would have liked...Oh well...

I must have beaten this game over 50 times or so, and I even used to keep track of all the different team/class combos so I never played the same game twice. This is a game that for me will never get old (same can be said for Final Fantasy 6, Secret of Mana, and Secret of Evermore)

I should point out that this could be considered somewhat of a simple run I guess since I don't go out of my way to collect claw items or coins to help make certain boss fights easier. Usually I just depend on the skills that the characters have (and I've beaten the game where there was no healer or Angela...Takes a bit of item planning I will admit at some points..) So you can see what I do here and if you want an easier time, you could go out and get some items that would actually help with some boss fights. It helped that Lise gained those stat up spells, which really helped making quicker work of the bosses than usual. It might have taken a bit of time to cast each spell on each character, but it was well worth it.

You'll also notice how I quite like the vitality and spirit stat. It could just be me, but I like having more life and MP early on, and it helps having plenty near the end. Given, you'll notice Carlie doesn't exactly hit for all that much (but she makes it up with being the healer in the group).

There are points where you see the game fade out and then back in. These are times I decided to grind a bit, and to save you the trouble of having to watch it, I made things easier. The times more or less that I grind are:

2:06:55 Was too broke to sleep at the inn and then go to Jad, so I fought for a bit to gain a bit of cash.

2:42:41 Gained a few levels before heading off to fight the bosses.

3:28:12 Gained a few more levels.

3:48:39 Grinded to level 18.

So with this you'll notice when I save the game at the end, it's a bit longer than the video actually is. Normally I don't try to grind in my games, but for this one, it really helps if you do. When I play this game normally, I always grind a bit here and there. So while I feel these are good grinding spots, you should feel free to grind a bit in other places, as it can't really hurt...


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