Best Foam Roller - Rumble Roller VS Muscle Mauler

Описание к видео Best Foam Roller - Rumble Roller VS Muscle Mauler

What is the best foam roller? This review includes the Rumble Roller, Muscle Mauler, and Amazon Basics flat roller. - Amazon Basic Roller
The Amazon basics flat roller is made from styrofoam. While It's cheap, its better to buy a full compact foam roller in a store like Ross or TJ Max.

The Muscle Mauler is about 1ft long. It has 2 patterns, one with bumps and one with lines (aka grid). While it's not a bad choice, I personally feel that the style of this roller isn't good. You may feel like you're getting the best of both worlds with a roller that has 2 patterns, but I feel like I'm getting half ass of 2 worlds. The roll feels choppy and unsmooth when rolling from one pattern to another. My opinion; skip this style and get one that is either full bumps or full lines. - Rumble Roller
The Rumble Roller is almost 3ft long. When I layed down on this the first time, I realized why it is the best. Having all bumps, the roll felt smooth and even. Since it is longer than my other rollers, I also felt that I could roll farther in different directions without rolling off or flipping the roller over. Very stable. The down side is that it is expensive. If buying at Dick's Sporting Good, wait for a 20% off deal, then buy.


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