Fast Pack Pro | Fast Fill | 3D Obturation Devices | Orikam | Eighteeth |

Описание к видео Fast Pack Pro | Fast Fill | 3D Obturation Devices | Orikam | Eighteeth |

#Fastpackpro #fastfill #Orikam #Eighteeth

3d Obturation for Endo enthusiasts- Fast Pack & Fast Fill
360 degree start-stop ring/ left-right handed operation

You will be amazed with the features it has to offer-
Wide temp range- 90 to 300 degree Celsius
An internally heated tip that doesn't burn you or your patient
Controlled heating- fast heating and swift cooling
360 degree start-stop ring/ left-right handed operation
Powerful battery- 4 hrs of continuous operation at 300 degrees

Fast Fill– Back Fill for 3D Obturation System

Being a motorized device, and not a gun-type, you get to decide-
The heating temp- 120 to 200 degrees
The flow rate- slow, medium, fast
When to stop the gp flow
Saving wastage of gp due to over extrusion
#3Dobturation #FastPack #FastFill
#Eighteeth #Orikam See less


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