How To Replace Light Seal On Film Cameras The Easiest Way (Olympus OM-1)

Описание к видео How To Replace Light Seal On Film Cameras The Easiest Way (Olympus OM-1)

In this video, I show you my way, and the easiest way to replace the light seal on the Olympus OM-1 film camera. This should apply to almost all other kinds of film cameras that need the light seal replaced.

You'll need some affordable 2mm foam:
You'll also need some Contact/Rubber cement:

Alternatively, you can also get the 2mm foam and rubber cement from your local art supply stores such as Michaels, Joann Fabrics etc. Remember, you don't need to spend money to buy special light seals, those low-density foams that are used for light seals don't last anyway. Just cut the foam to fit and it lasts longer.

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