4-Channel, 2-Flavor Remote Control with XBee or nRF24 radio modules

Описание к видео 4-Channel, 2-Flavor Remote Control with XBee or nRF24 radio modules

Cheap ISM-band radio modules are great for making simple remote-controlled (RC) toys and other RC devices which need nothing more than throwing some switches on and off and running a couple of motors. However, when a greater degree of control is needed, for instance when running a few servos for controlling a model plane’s rudder, elevator, aileron, and a brushless motor while at the same time receiving feedback from each of these actions, your plain simple radio control is, ermm … too simple.
In view of its complexity, the above situation calls for a more elaborated radio system. The popular XBee modules are just that. Initially designed for point-to-point and star communications at over-the-air baud rates of 250 Kbit/s, they have evolved into a family of easy-to-use wireless transceiver modules covering several network architectures including cellular, ZigBee, Thread, 802.15.4 and Wi-Fi. In this article we will use the XBee S2C (formerly ZB) modules running a ZigBee protocol stack.
Ordering: https://www.elektor.com/search?cat=0&...


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