The Legal System of Vietnam

Описание к видео The Legal System of Vietnam

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Understanding the Vietnamese Legal System

The legal system of Vietnam is distinguished by its adherence to a civil law tradition, characterized primarily by its reliance on written law. This framework ensures a structured approach to governance, heavily emphasizing codified statutes and regulations.

The Vietnamese law system is founded on three fundamental elements:

1. Legal Norms: These form the elementary units of the system, establishing the basic principles and rules that govern various aspects of life and society.

2. Legal Classes: This grouping consists of legal norms that share common features and regulate specific groups of correlative social relations. These classes help in organizing the legal framework into manageable segments that address distinct areas of social and economic interactions.

3. Legal Branches: These are systems of legal norms that possess specialized attributes, tailored to govern specific social relations within particular fields of society. The structuring into branches allows for focused and effective legal governance in diverse areas.

In the Vietnamese law system, the various legal branches encompass a wide array of specialized fields, each addressing specific facets of governance and social regulation. These branches include:

Branch of Constitutional Laws: Governs the fundamental principles and structures of the state, ensuring the protection of constitutional rights and the integrity of governmental operations.

Branch of Administrative Laws: Deals with the regulations governing administrative actions and the operation of public administration.

Branch of Financial Laws: Covers the legal aspects of financial management, including budgeting, taxation, and public expenditures.

Branch of Banking Laws: Regulates banking operations, financial institutions, and monetary policies to ensure a stable and secure financial system.

Branch of Land Laws: Addresses issues related to land ownership, use, and management, crucial in a country where land is a key economic resource.

Branch of Civil Laws: Encompasses the laws governing personal relationships and property rights, including contracts, family law, and inheritance.

Branch of Labour Laws: Focuses on employment relations, worker rights, and labour standards to protect and promote fair labour practices.

Branch of Criminal Laws: Deals with offenses and their penalties, aiming to maintain public order and safety through the criminal justice system.

Branch of Economical Laws: Regulates economic activities, including trade, commerce, and business practices, ensuring a fair and competitive market environment.

This well-structured legal framework not only provides clarity and order within the Vietnamese legal system but also ensures that each aspect of society is governed by relevant and specialized legal norms. The emphasis on written laws and the categorization into various branches allow for precise and effective legal governance, supporting the country's social and economic development.


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