How to: Hang up Pictures Straight—with the Bosch Laser Spirit Level PLL 1 P

Описание к видео How to: Hang up Pictures Straight—with the Bosch Laser Spirit Level PLL 1 P

The PLL 1 P point laser from Bosch is a spirit level and a line laser in one.

DIYers have the option of using the PLL 1 P from Bosch as a classic spirit level or as a line laser to project horizontal, vertical or diagonal laser lines (working range of 5 m) and laser points (working range of 20 m).
What makes this handy precision tool special is that it can be levelled to an accuracy of ±0.5 mm/m.

The supplied wall mount, which can be secured to the wall or to a tripod, makes the laser spirit level incredibly easy to use. If the PLL 1 P from Bosch is secured to the wall mount, it can be adjusted by turning the magnetic plate so that the laser is perfectly positioned. This is helpful when fitting wall units or shelves at a specific height.

The diagonal laser lines are useful for positioning pictures parallel to the rise of a staircase.

Benefits at a glance:

• Horizontal, vertical or diagonal laser lines, as well as a point laser
• The product’s laser can be precisely positioned by turning the magnetic plate on the wall mount
• The integrated point laser accurately transfers heights in the room
• Exceptionally good laser line and laser point visibility thanks to high-quality laser diodes
• Small and handy with a modern design
• Can be used as a spirit level

The compact spirit level fits comfortably in your pocket, which means it is always on hand for your DIY tasks.

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