This is *WHY IM GONNA QUIT T3 ARENA* | How to lose 2000 T-GEMS ON LACIA - Read descript

Описание к видео This is *WHY IM GONNA QUIT T3 ARENA* | How to lose 2000 T-GEMS ON LACIA - Read descript

+2000 T GEMS🟣and previous arcade tickets 🎟️ WASTED to finally not get LACIA due to lack of ♦️x1 legendary crystal...

My final thoughts after playing since the release of this game in year 2022:

They are destroying the game with the Pay to win heroes Vincent/Lacia, they are scamming their own community, 0 support their community(they could mention you on or support you in their T3 channels), they allow hackers and PC players(playing via android emulator with 100% accuracy as mouse player) play ranked matches so you have 0 chance to win.
”Top” players, ALWAYS play as squad in 99% of their matches because its seems they are afraid of losing the matches if they play solo queue….

Community said REMOVE ARCADE PLS or at least give us another option to get arcade tickets(i have like 40k trophys and x800 heros tickets and 50k coin)……and then, they answered: ok we have a solution: we are going to add Battle Royale game mode!! WoooW AMAZING

BUT Mmmmm🤔
Who asked for Battle Royale? Are you gonna add football matches like FIFA or PES?
Is this a joke?
They are digging their own grave while doing what they think, in my opinion, in this life if you want to be successful, the first thing you have to do is listen to your audience and community.

I'm going to tell you what happens, you can see their feathers from afar, this game is turning into a casino, you enter and you get hooked if you like it and you keep paying to have overpowered characters like Vincent/Lacia, and they play with you, knowing that you are going to spend more and more because you like it, they are not going to give you anything, much less help or thank you for uploading content from their game(that can help them to attrach new players).

A message to XD Entertainment (T3 Devs and Manager): I wish you all the luck in the world, but you have what you deserve, I loved this game before you destroyed it on S5 adding pay to win characters like Vincent, actually i think we need a miracle to keep this game alive.

Thanks for reading, I hope you don't make the same mistake I did and save your money for yourself or a better video game company.
To sum up, i want to say: T3 ARENA is a BEAUTIFUL GAME…. but is on wrong hands of some greedy and quite egocentryc company.


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