乖仔幫手買buy-to-let 裝修後提升租金收入 | 裝修費超支?做咗啲乜嘢改善工程?收唔收得番成本?投資East Kilbride有冇著數?

Описание к видео 乖仔幫手買buy-to-let 裝修後提升租金收入 | 裝修費超支?做咗啲乜嘢改善工程?收唔收得番成本?投資East Kilbride有冇著數?

登記免費網課 👉 http://www.10returns.com 實現投資英國格拉斯哥物業達到財務保障️

乖仔幫手買buy-to-let 裝修後提升租金收入 | 裝修費超支?做咗啲乜嘢改善工程?收唔收得番成本?投資East Kilbride有冇著數?

乖仔幫手買buy-to-let 裝修後提升租金收入
Good son helps mom purchase a buy-to-let property. Rental income can be increased after renovations.

乖仔幫母親買的East Kilbride出租物業,裝修已經差不多竣工,雖然超資但可以令單位的質素變得更佳,而且2房變3房,租金可望會得到進一步提升!
The investor helped his mother to purchse a buy-to-let in East Kilbride. The renovations are almost complete. Although it went over budget, it has improved the quality of the unit, and converting it from 2 bedrooms to 3 bedrooms is expected to further increase the rental income!

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