Ya Ali-e-Murtuza - Kalam:Bahr Ul Uloom Abdul Qadeer Siddiqi ‘Hasrat’ by Mohammed Khan Qadri

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Manqabat-e-Maula Ali (Alaihis Salam) Ya Ali-e-Murtuza Kalam: Bahr Ul Uloom (Ocean of knowledge) Muhammad Abdul Qadeer Siddiqi ‘Hasrat’ by Mohammed Khan Qadri #Lyrics with English Translation below

Ya Ali-e-Murtuza*, Ya Abul Hassan* Ya Abu Turaab*
O’ Ali Murtuza, O’ Abul Hassan, O’ Abu Turaab

Shaah-e-MardaaN* Sher-e-YazdaaN*, Sarware Gardoo Qubab
King of the Brave, Lion of Allah and World Famous for Your Decisive Sword!

Dast-e-toh Dast-e-iLLahi, Lahm-e-toh Lahm-e-Nabi
Your Hand is the Hand of Allah, Your Flesh is the Flesh of Prophet

Aye Dahanath Baab-e-ilm O, Aye Dilath Ummul Kitab
Your Mouth is the Door of Knowledge, Your Heart is Ummul Kitab*
*(Divine Book of Fortune)

Ya Ameer Al-Momineen*, wa Ya Imam Al-Muslimeen*
O’ Commander of Faithful, O’ Leader of Muslims

Aye Shahenshah-e-vilayyat, Dar Kafath Miftaah-e-Baab
O’ Emperor of Divine Friendliness (Vilayyat), You Hold the Key for Every Closed Door

Ya Ali Mushkil Kusha*, Kaare Tu Hale Mushkilat
O’ Solver of All difficulties, Your Task Is To Solve Every Difficulty

Man Faqeere Be Navayam, Tu Shah-e-Aali Janab.
I am a Helpless Beggar, You are the Most Revered King.

Aye Paanahe Be Paanaha, Charaye Be Charaga
O’ Provider of the Shelter to the Shetlerless, O’ Helper of the Helpless

Aye Ummedain Na Umeeda, Hal-e-Mushkil Kun Shitaab
O’ Ray of Hope of the Disappointed, Solve the Difficulties Soon

La FataH illA Ali, La SaiF illA ZulfiqaaR
(A famous tradition (hadith) of Prophet Muhammad PBUH)
None is Braver than Ali and No Sword is as Great as Zulfiqaar* (* Zulfiqaar was the sword of Ali presented to him by Muhammad PBUH.'')

Mazhar e Kull-e-Ajaaib*, Dush Manam Gard o Kharaab
O’ Reflector of All Wonders, Let My Enemy Remain Unsuccessful

Irhamuu Ya Sadathi, Fi Qillati Fi Zillathi
O’ My Master Help Me, In Times of Scarcity and Dishonour

Ya Hussian o Ya Hassan, Ya Fatima Ya Abu Turab*
O’ Hussian O’ Hassan, O’ Fatima O’ Abu Turab

Yek Nigahen Marhamat, Bar “Hasrate” Be Chaarah Kun
Have a Glance of Mercy towards “Hasrat” the Helpless

Taaba Ke ee’n Aaah-wo-Zaari, Taaba Ke ee’n Izteraab
How Long This Hue & Cry, How Long This Restlessness.

Titles & Appellations Of Maula Ali:-

1. Murtuza (One Who Is Chosen and Contented)
2. Abul Hassan (Father of Imam Hasan {A.S})
3. Abu Turab (Father of Soil)
4. Shah-e-MardaaN (King of the Brave)
5. Sher-e-YazdaaN (Lion of Allah)
6. Ameer Al-Momineen (Commander of the Faithful)
7. Ameer Al-Muslimeen (Leader of Muslims)
8. Mushkil Khusha (Solver of Difficulties)
9. Mazhar e Kull-e-Ajaaib (Reflector of All Wonders)

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