"livin with it" song from "how fish is made" but i sing the lyrics

Описание к видео "livin with it" song from "how fish is made" but i sing the lyrics

LOOK, I KNOW IM NOT BUILT FOR SINGING?? BUT if "mcymothoa exigua (fish tongue eating parasite) dancing and singing jazz songs about unavoidable death whatever path you choose in life" don't call out to me, then i've clearly been living my life wrong.

original audio/ lyrics are from the game "how fish is made"
animaltion is by me
singing is also by me but don't tell anybody

btw heres the same cover but with the ingame footage if you want it for....some reason?:    • "how fish is made" cover but i used t...  

will probably never sing again bye 🏃‍♂️


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