60 Minutes of Useless Information about TotK

Описание к видео 60 Minutes of Useless Information about TotK

It's finally here — 60 Minutes of Useless Information about TotK! It took me countless many more hours than one to research, write, record, and edit this video, so I hope you enjoy. Tears of the Kingdom is a super fun game, and I think it gets a bad shake because Breath of the Wild came first and Nintendo focused more on gameplay than story, but I had a a blast creating this series. This is the series finale. Maybe more useless info someday, but for now I'm moving on to other video ideas. Thanks so much for watching and reading!!

Musical stakes:
Saria's song    • Making Music with Stakes (Saria’s Son...  
Main LoZ theme    • Making music with stakes- Zelda theme...  
Stakes music ultimate playlist    • STAKE MUSIC!!! (Tears of the Kingdom)  

Need Zelda stuff? Use my Amazon affiliate links:
Nintendo Switch = https://amzn.to/3BBZzHT
BotW = https://amzn.to/40a1aPd
TotK = https://amzn.to/4dRhnMc

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