The Cure Plainsong in Hawaii 2016 - Robert Close-Up

Описание к видео The Cure Plainsong in Hawaii 2016 - Robert Close-Up

I'm actually happy to be going home from Hawaii. After seeing The Cure seven times in the past few months there's been a lot of emotional roller coaster rides, going back to teen years when High School was like hell, but getting through on The Cure, getting through on Robert's warmth and depth, wishing for impossible things. Ah, but nothing is impossible, so dream and wish yourself into your best future. If I could go back and tell my adolescent self "your future is all that you can imagine, so imagine wonderful things."

Robert Smith is King Caterpillar and I will miss him and the guys. What was once just a face in posters all over my walls stood live in front of me. I love you, Robert Smith, always.


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