Tempo Gráfico Personalizado da Metatrader (MT4 e MT5): 2min 3h 3D 3W

Описание к видео Tempo Gráfico Personalizado da Metatrader (MT4 e MT5): 2min 3h 3D 3W

Dica ninja da Metatrader para fazer tempo gráfico personalizado.

==Apex com descontão https://bit.ly/apexpromotion_ código Bankmath
Apex agora também integrada com o Tradingview pela Tradovate. Seja trader patrocinado por mesa proprietária americana e ganhe em dólar.

💎 Abra conta no Banco Inter usando o código 44280C2C. Baixe agora: https://intergo.app/c543f3ce para cartão americano sem taxa

English Playlist
   • Плейлист  
Pt Playlist
Replikanto ==    • #Replikanto  
Manejo de Risco ==    • #ManejoDeRisco  
NinjaTrader    • #NinjaTrader  
Apex ==    • #Apex Trader Funding  
Dinheiro ==    • #dinheiro  
FTMO ==    • #FTMO  
MFF ==    • #My Forex Funds (MFF)  
Psicologia de Trade ==    • #Segredo  
MarketNews ==    • #MarketNews  
Tradingview ==    • #Tradingview  
Orderflow Rx do mercado ==    • #orderflow Rx do Mercado  

👉 A corretora de forex que eu uso :
Desconto Promocional Progressivo de Corretagem se usar o código vnbk0ueh

Web Link: https://bit.ly/42qAfNV código vnbk0ueh
Mobile Link: https://bit.ly/42pjOkU código vnbk0ueh
Veja a melhor conta a escolher https://one.exness-track.com/forex/a/... código vnbk0ueh

Vídeo sobre a integração Apex com a tradovate e tradingview focando na instalação da ninjatrader para visualizar contas novas e velhas. Você tem de escolher a provedora de dados porque quem escolher Tradovate não terá Rithmic e vice-versa.

As propfirms são as chamadas mesas proprietárias no Brasil. Vc sabia que vc pode ganhar em USD ou EUR?

Links mencionados no vídeo:
💎Desafio para ser trader profissional que opera pela ninjatrader pela Apex 80% de desconto com o código TUULIWHX https://bit.ly/3uXIDpa só até 22/05/2022.
💎Desafio FTMO https://bit.ly/3jQHaKV
💎Desafio My Forex Fund https://bit.ly/3vl0rtn que opera pela MT4

Diário de Trade
💎 O melhor diário de trade https://bit.ly/3PT2n60
💎 Download da planilha diário de Trade em Excel - Grátis https://bit.ly/3PPM61s melhor diário de trade do mercado que é https://bit.ly/3PT2n60

Vc sabia que vc pode ganhar em USD ou EUR sendo patrocinado para fazer trade? Considere prestar a prova desafio para as propfirms americanas e europeias.
💎 Assine a StrongVPN https://bit.ly/3OXOIKT

==Tradingview https://bit.ly/3C5jaMW 60% OFF

#tradovate #ninjatrader #rithmic

Risk Disclosure
Futures, Forex, Options, and Binary Options trading have large potential rewards, but also large potential risks. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures, foreign exchange, and options markets. Don’t trade with money you can’t afford to lose.

No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed in any material on this training. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.

Results will vary from trader to trader. No guarantees, promises, or guarantees made that any trading will result in a profit or result in a loss. All trading involves risk. While Bankmath provides quality educational services and products we cannot guarantee that you will be successful in your trading. Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations.

Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades may not have been actually executed, the results may under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs, in general, are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown.

The material contained within is for instructional and illustrative purposes only. Trading is very risky and the trader should use only capital he or she can afford to risk and possible loss. Bankmath assumes no responsibility for your trading results. Past performance does not guarantee future performance and Bankmath does not make any performance representations or guarantees. This presentation is for training purposes only and are the opinions of the presenter.


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