Football Equipment History: The First Football Helmet Was "Football Hair", Not Leather

Описание к видео Football Equipment History: The First Football Helmet Was "Football Hair", Not Leather

This video discusses the history of football helmets, focusing on the evolution of safety equipment in the sport. It begins with a description of a 1912 Puck magazine illustration, showing two football players from 1912 and 1892. The player from 1912 is depicted with early versions of protective gear like shoulder pads and a helmet, while the 1892 player has no equipment but a massive head of hair. This imagery prompts an exploration into the historical belief that thick hair could serve as a protective helmet in football.

The author, Jon Johnston, delves into this unusual aspect of football history, citing sources like John Sayle Waterston’s College Football History book and various newspaper articles from the 1890s. These sources describe how players would grow their hair long to protect their heads, as helmets were not yet in use. The text references specific hairstyles like the scrubbing brush, chrysanthemum, and mop, popular among football players for their perceived protective qualities.

The author discusses the cultural and social impact of “football hair,” highlighting how it became a fashion statement beyond its practical use in the sport. Articles from the 1890s show that while some viewed this trend with humor and sarcasm, others saw it as a serious safety measure. Notably, an article from the Tribune of Scranton, Pennsylvania in 1900 quotes George Washington Woodruff, a respected football coach, advocating for hair as a better protective measure than helmets.

To support these historical claims, Johnston examines team photos from the 1890s, comparing them to contemporary hairstyles from a barber manual. This comparison suggests that the long, unkempt hair seen in football players was indeed distinct from the more groomed styles of the era.

Concluding, Johnston reaffirms the central idea that the first “helmet” in college football was not made of leather or canvas but was simply the players’ own hair. He invites viewers to subscribe to his channel for more stories and insights into college football history, emphasizing the channel’s focus on uncovering overlooked aspects of the sport’s past.


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