We Caught our Elves!! Elf on the Shelf Days 8 & 9!

Описание к видео We Caught our Elves!! Elf on the Shelf Days 8 & 9!

Elf on the Shelf Going on a Disney Cruise! Day 8 & 9!!! We caught our elves and took them with us on a plane ride! The fun didn't stop there, we took them with us on our Disney Cruise!!!

About Preston Beyond:
This channel is just for daily vlogging of Preston. We plan to just film just simple playtime activities with him, so we can look back and watch him grow up again and again! The girls both have their YouTube Play Buttons, and we decided this little guy needs one too!

Thanks again for visiting our channel. Please subscribe and turn on notifications to never miss a video! Channel managed by parents.

#PrestonBeyond #Preston #BeyondFamily


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