Yuna FF10-2 140 builds· showcase & YuRiPa VC - WOTV x FF10-2

Описание к видео Yuna FF10-2 140 builds· showcase & YuRiPa VC - WOTV x FF10-2

Yuna FF10-2 review & showcase, plus detail info on YuRiPa VC. Going over her follow-up attack mechanic, detailed kit info, buffing order, equipments and truststone. Showing off a few sample teams and a few matches.

Subscribe: ‪@kt7up7‬

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BMG: ‪@noiseless_world‬

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0:00 Followup attack
0:28 intro
0:47 Basic info
01:28 Main Kit
07:29 Sub jobs
09:49 Vision card
10:31 Truststone, Equipments & Espers
12:15 Sample teams
17:00 Final thoughts
18:36 V Rikku
20:47 V Exiah
23:31 V Agrais


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