Find your location on a map & identify features

Описание к видео Find your location on a map & identify features

Being able to locate your position and identify a ground feature on a map and, if necessary, adjusting for declination, are important skills all navigators should have.
In this video I have used a Cammenga lensatic compass but this technique will work with any reasonable quality compass. If you are using a baseplate compass:- where I have used the tritium mark use the orienting arrow.
Please note there is an error on the video. At around 2:35 I say that you should rotate the dial anti-clockwise if your declination is west, however this would be the case if you were taking a bearing from a map and using it to look for a ground feature (grid to mag). In the video I’m taking a bearing from a feature and using this bearing on a map (mag to grid) so you should rotate the dial clockwise.

Thanks to Rick Panyk for spotting my error and letting me know.
(if you notice any errors on any videos please let me know – we all make then now and again)


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