搬到英國後,第一次回香港!六歲兒子還能適應香港生活嗎?他對那邊更有歸屬感?Back to Our First Home… Our Kids FORGOT where they’re from?!?

Описание к видео 搬到英國後,第一次回香港!六歲兒子還能適應香港生活嗎?他對那邊更有歸屬感?Back to Our First Home… Our Kids FORGOT where they’re from?!?


It’s been 9 months since we left our first family home and flew to a new country to live…


We didn’t know what to expect on our first trip back. Would the boys remember the place where they were born? What memories would they have? What new ones could we create?


Jump into this vlog all about how we explored Hong Kong with the boys again, just like old times, enjoying local food and taking in all the city has to offer.


See how Noah takes on his role as our personal tour guide, taking us to one of his favourite places.


Watch as we try to create strong memories for Finley in the place where both our boys were born and raised!

Follow our Instagram for daily updates


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