Updates from our future city | Kent Larson, Ryan Chin, Caleb Harper and Ira Winder | TEDxBoston

Описание к видео Updates from our future city | Kent Larson, Ryan Chin, Caleb Harper and Ira Winder | TEDxBoston

Aeroponic urban farms, autonomous personal mobility vehicles, and a 3D data observatory that make cities more livable and planners more engaged.

Kent Larson directs the MIT Media Lab’s Changing Places group and since 1998, has also directed the MIT House_n research consortium in the School of Architecture and Planning.

Dr. Ryan Chin is the managing director of the City Science Initiative focusing on developing new urban systems for a post-oil, connected world.

Caleb Harper is the founder of the CityFARM research group focused in the areas of building integrated and control environment agriculture, actuated sensing, control automation and data-driven resource and energy optimization in urban farming.

Ira Winder works with the CityScience Initiative to manage the design and development of CityScope, a platform for participatory design.

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences.


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