Raising black soldier flies as sustainable feed for fish farms | The Protein Problem

Описание к видео Raising black soldier flies as sustainable feed for fish farms | The Protein Problem

When the fish grown in farms are fed wild-caught fish such as sardines and anchovies, a major benefit of fish farms — less stress on ocean ecosystems — can evaporate.  

At Innovafeed, based in France, protein-rich black soldier flies are being raised as a feed alternative. The company’s fly protein is feeding salmon, sea bream, shrimp and other species with food producers across Europe, the Americas and Southeast Asia, according to Alex Diana, a product manager at Innovafeed. It has two factories now and is planning 10 more by 2030 that will produce insect protein for fish, chicken and even pets. 

“We are trying to reproduce what happens in nature, but at industrial scale,” he said. “We're trying to minimize the impact of the food chain on the planet's resources.” 

Learn more at apnews.com/science.


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