我们需要重新思考如何学习 Why we need to rethink how we learn | Ed Chan | TEDxSanyiRoad

Описание к видео 我们需要重新思考如何学习 Why we need to rethink how we learn | Ed Chan | TEDxSanyiRoad

"STEM"领域不断加速变化,在经济增长中扮演着日益重要的角色。这也促使我们开始思考中小学阶段的"STEM"教学,我们需要重新想象"STEM"的教学模式以及真正希望学生学到什么。来自硅谷的“STEM”教育专家和企业家Ed Chan和他的团队志在通过让学生以科学研究的方式学科学,从而转变科学教育。他们的教学方式注重培养学生的科学推理和批判性思维能力,帮助学生准备迎接21世纪的挑战和机遇。
The accelerating pace of change in the STEM fields and the increasingly important role that STEM plays in our economic growth is forcing us to question how we teach STEM, starting at the primary and secondary school levels. We need to reimagine how we teach STEM and what it is that we actually hope our students learn. Ed Chan, a STEM education expert and entrepreneur from the Silicon Valley, and his team are on a mission to transform science education by having students learn science by conducting scientific research. By focusing on the development of scientific reasoning and critical thinking skills, they are preparing students who will be ready to meet the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. 来自硅谷的科技专家、教育专家、创业家噢哇啦OWALA创新教育研究中心创始人兼中国区负责人。毕业于加州大学伯克利分校计算机科学和电子工程专业,MBA。从事科技行业和生命科学领域的投资,世界500强企业战略规划顾问,移动互联网创业公司的首席技术官。参与设计AMD Athlon 64(至今仍然是CPU技术标准),Procket Networks 创始团队成员,随着Procket被思科收购加入思科。
A technology expert, education expert, and entrepreneur from Silicon Valley, he is the founder of OWALA Innovation Education Research Center and concurrently the head of the China region. Graduated from the University of California, Berkeley majoring in Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, ED Chan also got his MBA degree. He Engaged in investment in the technology industry and life sciences, and served as a strategic planning consultant for the world's top 500 companies, and the chief technology officer of mobile Internet startups. He Participated in the design of AMD Athlon 64 (still a CPU technology standard to this day), and sat in the founding team of Procket Networks, and joined Cisco as Procket was acquired by Cisco. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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