Relly Ebini - My Mother (Nyamê)

Описание к видео Relly Ebini - My Mother (Nyamê)

A Mother (Nyamê).

The first day we met was when I was born. I came into this pleasant world because of her. She cries with me when I cry and laughs with me when I laugh. Immediately I get home, she is the first I look for. Even on her sick bed, she still struggles to make sure I have something to eat, and when I am sick, she can find peace of mind until I am back on my feet.
A mother's love, is the only love which can't be compared to any or bought.

Dear friends and Fans

A mother dedicates her entire life to take care of her child. She happily sacrifices all her dreams to raise up her child. Therefore it should be a responsibility to take good care of her when you become a grown up.

It is time to celebrate your mother.
Do not allow her to leave this world without celebrating her last days on earth.
What else can you give to her for her unconditional love? Make her happy before you say "had I known"

"Mother": The Woman I love.


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