VLOG #52

Описание к видео VLOG #52

A few days at work running fuel out to the Goldfields of Western Australia in the Varley Energy (formerly Trojan Haulage) Super Pocket followed by a bit of drone footage of my backyard.

Trojan Haulage has become Varley Energy under a rebranding move, nothing else has changed - same people, same management and same ownership. All of the trucks and trailers will eventually be repainted with the new logo.

The Christmas Tress (Australian Christmas Tree- Nuytsia floriibunda) in my back paddock are starting to flower. They are a parasitic tree from the mistletoe family. The flowers are bright orange and always come out around this time of year.

Recently I had several skin cancers removed - one behind my ear which needed a skin graft. I can tell you that dressing drove me up the wall.


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