The Banana Spider: Dangerous or Misunderstood?

Описание к видео The Banana Spider: Dangerous or Misunderstood?

I know that spiders aren't everyone's favorite animals, but are they really as bad as they may appear?

The Golden silk spider (Trichonephila clavipes), otherwise known as the Banana spider, is perhaps one of the most maligned spiders in NC thanks to its large size and overall less than friendly appearance.

However, these orb weaving spiders are harmless to humans, and actively feed on potential disease vectors such as mosquitos that can transmit some pretty nasty infections to humans.

As you can see from this footage, even when handled the Goldern silk spider is a docile and inoffensive species that does far more good for us than harm.

Full video featuring this species and a co-starring arachnid is up now on The Wild Report YouTube, go check it out! #wildlife
"How many are your works, Lord? In wisdom you made them all, the earth is full of your creatures."


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