How to Identify When and What You Are Projecting Your Sh*t On Others

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Identifying When and What You are Projecting onto other people is fairly easy: it's when you condemn and judge another human behavior. Whatever you see in someone is a reflection of you. It is a reflection of your anger, your hatred, your impatience, your judgment, your condemnation, your superiority, your self-righteousness, your need to be right, your fear. By the same token, if you say something kind about someone, that is a reflection of you, too. If you admire them, if you are generous, open-hearted, forgiving and giving, supportive - that is who you are, too and it comes back to you!

We have a tendency to embrace and show up for people in the way we are to others AND the way we are to ourselves.

Louise Hay asked us to stop criticizing ourselves. If we can do just that one thing, we start changing the world. Start by being loving to yourself. Start by seeing the parts of you that you have shame around and start loving that neglected part of yourself.

Start deciding who you CHOOSE to be every day, instead of the unconscious way that you can be: offering people a piece of your mind; offering advice when it wasn't asked for; doing something for someone when they can do it themselves; being mean and petty; withholding affection; showing someone disdain and disgust; rolling your that who you REALLY want to be?

Or do you CHOOSE to be kind, generous, accepting, loving, tolerant, and forgiving today?

It is ALWAYS your choice. No one "makes" you do anything. They can provoke you, but can you stay steadfast in your decision to be kind and compassionate? If not, at least keep your mouth shut!

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