Bruce Baker | Meteorological Measurements

Описание к видео Bruce Baker | Meteorological Measurements

Dr. Bruce Baker | Meteorological measurements, Why we need them, what we do with them, and How do we use them to better understand the Earth-Atmosphere System.

The science and technology of weather observations have made great strides during the short history of this country. The progress of weather observations is related directly to the rapid development of technology and a better scientific understanding of the Earth's atmosphere.
Today, weather observations contribute to observations of the entire earth system, including measurements of the atmosphere, the oceans, and the land surface. Our observing technologies are diverse, ranging from weather satellites to basic instruments such as the thermometer used by volunteers in their backyards. Improvements in weather forecasting, flood forecasting, water resources management, and our understanding of climate variability require improvements in the accuracy, spatial distribution, and frequency of weather observations. Observational networks are essential for improving forecast models, validating remote sensing products, and understanding climate change.

AOSS Alumnus of the Year Lecture
Sponsoring Department:
Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences

Speaker Bio:
Dr. Baker has spent his career in pursuit of understanding the physics of the atmosphere through measurements. This has included laboratory studies, field experiments and long term programs that have addressed turbulence, remote sensing, and climate.
He was Chief Scientist for NOAA's National Climatic Data Center from 2000-2009 developing and deploying a new network to monitor climate change in the U.S and Alaska called the United States Climate Reference Network.
His current interests are developing climate observing systems, understanding the impact of the carbon reservoirs in the arctic and how that will affect climate change due to the melting permafrost and validation of land surface temperatures from satellites.
His career with NOAA spans over 30 years, 18 of which were in the National Climatic Data Center. He provides leadership to ATDD as the division performs air quality and climate-related research concerning issues of national and global importance.
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