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《花间新娘 Believe in Love 》爱情、古装、玄幻,先婚后爱
主演:#黄圣池 #郑合惠子 #朱容君 #肖凯中 #侯东
全集列表Full playlist:https://reurl.cc/XV419a
【又起争端】少岛主把财政大权交给玥儿,姐姐气得破口大骂😤|#花间新娘 ep07
嘉义年间,一座绝美小岛,岛上民风淳朴,以美食盛名。岛尾处有一座食客络绎不绝的面馆。面馆主人陆玥儿( #郑合惠子#饰)虽从小备受继母压榨,但仍保持积极乐观的心态面对生活,善待他人。温柔纯良的她吸引了少岛主——花亦南(#黄圣池#饰)的青睐。花亦南的到来如同冬夜里的一簇篝火,将她从家庭的泥泞中拯救了出来,二人不顾家人阻挠与反对,坚决地缔结婚姻。殊不知,这一切竟是花亦南精心为陆玥儿布下的一个局。然而令花亦南没想到的是,他这个布局之人最终却也深陷其中,难逃情网纠葛。
During the Chiayi period, there is a beautiful island with simple people and a reputation for good food. At the end of the island, there is a noodle shop with a steady stream of customers. Although Lu Yue'er, the owner of the noodle shop, has been oppressed by her stepmother since she was a child, she still maintains an optimistic attitude towards life and treats others well. She attracts the attention of the young islander, Hua Yinan, who is gentle and pure.
The arrival of Hua Yinan is like a bonfire on a winter night, saving her from the mud of her family, and the two of them resolutely enter into marriage despite their family's obstruction and opposition. Unbeknownst to her, all of this is actually a carefully laid out game by Hua Yinan for Lu Yue'er.

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