Kusum shares a story of how financial literacy training has helped her - Grameen Foundation

Описание к видео Kusum shares a story of how financial literacy training has helped her - Grameen Foundation

Kusum Lata shares her success story about receiving financial literacy training and how it has helped her gain control of her finances, save, and invest.

Providing access to financial services and education to improve small businesses for the rural poor is only a few services that Grameen Foundation works to provide. You can help us do so much more at https://grameenfoundation.org

We design with poor women and their households in the center.

Women’s economic empowerment is essential to ending poverty and hunger, and to ending gender inequities. But institutional and social barriers remain huge obstacles for poor women. We develop solutions that empower her with knowledge and essential services while transforming the systems that block progress for her and her family.

We program based on evidence and experience.

We research to understand the problems poor women and households face in accessing financial services, health services, and nutritious food. We use both qualitative and quantitative methods to understand initial conditions, monitor progress and assess impact -- then apply the lessons learned to scale-up the most promising solutions and to plan future projects.

We use technology and data to improve decision-making by and for people in poverty.

Digital technology enables the collection and use of data to improve decision-making by women and men in poor rural areas, as well as the partners working to serve them. Smart use of technology can connect poor women to vital information, expertise and markets, and create appropriate products and services for their households.

We drive enterprise-based solutions for scale and sustainability.

We identify and incubate cost-effective solutions with the greatest potential, developing practical business models and working with partners to move solutions from early promise to wide-scale impact, whether as social enterprises, as core to partners’ operations, or as sustainable government services.

We broker cross-sector and cross-cultural relationships.

Partnerships are core to our work. Solutions that address multiple dimensions of poverty—including access to financial, agricultural or health services and knowledge—call for partners with a range of expertise. From local organizations to multinational corporations to government agencies, the right combination of partners is essential to success.

  / stoppovertynow  
  / grameenfdn  
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Related Infografic:
Impact: Rajasthan Nutrition Project - https://grameenfoundation.org/resourc...

Related Press Release:
In midst of rural poverty, 1.3 million people gain access to financial services through women's networks - https://grameenfoundation.org/press-r...
Youth Champions for Digital Finance launches in rural India - https://grameenfoundation.org/press-r...

Relate Web Page:
Varsha Dhurve - https://grameenfoundation.org/impact/...
Kanchan - https://grameenfoundation.org/impact/...
Financial Services Glossary - https://grameenfoundation.org/resourc...


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