Zalung Karpo La - Chachar La Crossing

Описание к видео Zalung Karpo La - Chachar La Crossing

Ladakh - Zanskar Trek via Zalung Karpo La - Chachar La is one if its kind allowing you to enjoy the beauty of both Ladakh and Zanskar at the same time. Its a pure adventure right from the beginning till the end.

The trek starts in Chilling and follows the trail of Markha Valley passing by the vilage of Skiu, Markha and Hankar till the campsite of Thochungtse. After Thochungtse, the trail leaves the Markha Valley and crosses the pass of Zulung Karpo to reach Tilat Sumdo in the Zanskar Valley. From there, the trail further climbs the Charchar La to reach Zangla in the heart of Zanskar.

Ladakh and Zanskar takes our imagination by surprise with its beauty, the colors of the mountains. Its a cold dessert with patches of fertile land where the locals work very hard to grow their needful vegetables. The locals have a very hard life, but perhaps they teach us the very simple and basic lesson of life, and that is to live it with a biggest smiles on your face.

learn more about the Zalung Karpo La - Chachar La Crossing Trek on our website -


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