Råseilseminaret 2013 - vikingskipene Saga Oseberg og Gaia

Описание к видео Råseilseminaret 2013 - vikingskipene Saga Oseberg og Gaia

Første dag fra Råseilseminaret 2013 i Tønsberg, Norge. Samseiling med Osebergskopien Saga Oseberg og Gokstadkopien Gaia. Kveldssete i Borre gildehall.

Square rig sailing seminar 2013 in Tønsberg, Norway. The Viking ships in the video are replicas of the Oseberg ship from 820 AD and the Gokstad ship from 990 AD. The gray sail is made from hand vowen wool from wild sheep. These clips are from the first day of the seminar, all footage by me (Jørn Løset). Share, but please do not rip or repost under another user account. Visit my site www.vikingskip.com if you want to know more about the ancient Viking ships. ;)


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