Auto Match Dual Axis Scales on Excel Charts Dynamically Align Secondary Axis

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🎯 Avoid the classic dual axis chart error! Automatically match both axis scales to ensure your chart is always accurate. Dynamically match primary and secondary axis with this great little Excel hack.


hi john here this is up for excel what i want to do is make sure that this stays these two axes stay the same and if i just move sorry if i move this chart over here a second or down here slightly one of the ways i can do that is create a max point so i can put this anywhere it doesn't really matter but i'm actually going to put it as a line on the bottom i just say max equals the max of all that area four five three and then i'm going to plot that number i'm going to introduce that number onto the chart on both the primary and the secondary axes and then um ensure the data is invisible that way the axes will automatically adjust as if they have the same maximum value in them so i'll do that now where i do that is i'll go back to the design of the chart and select data and i'm going to introduce a new series and i'm just going to call it max p for primary and on the value here i'm just going to say it's that value okay and then i'm going to add another one and call it max secondary max s

and put that one on as well okay so i have two new series now max p and a max s and click ok and you can see what's happened immediately is let's put these two new bars on which are a right pane so the first thing is i want to pop one on the primary axis and then the other one needs to be plot on the secondary axis which it is and if we move this one back into view again you can see we generated a slight problem again in that we've shifted everything off center because we it now thinks we have a new series to plot so everything's slightly off center now the way we're going to get around that is change the chart type of this so that max p i'm going to say is now a line and this one i'm also going to say is a line okay well back in business we also have a legend but we have these nasty sort of entries in here that we don't really want so by clicking on that individually and hitting a delete key so two clicks one to click select the legend the second to select the item hit the delete key and we can get rid of that i also like to see my legend at the top so right click format that legend and put it at the top i can do something along the lines of that and i'll move that chart title over there the chart title what i always like to do if i just move this whole chart slightly is put the chart title here and then link it

let's get this chart itself looking good both axes are the same so we can certainly hide the secondary axis we know that they're going to be the same every time if we go to labels on the axis options and instead of saying next to label we say none and we can then also expand that slightly if you're interested in learning how to produce the clustered stack column chart featured in this video and click the link to download the free template in the description there's a video tutorial link in that workbook that will show you how you can do that completely from scratch good luck and i'll see you soon




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