Cinema 4D Particles: Explore with Andy Needham – Demystifying Post-Production – Week 4

Описание к видео Cinema 4D Particles: Explore with Andy Needham – Demystifying Post-Production – Week 4

Cinema 4D Particles: Explore with Andy Needham – Demystifying Post-Production – Week 4

Come along with Andy Needham as he takes you on a journey exploring the new Cinema 4D particle system in this episode of our Demystifying Post-Production series. You'll pick up all the tricks and tips you need to get up to speed quickly. Andy will show some practical examples of how particles can fit right into your workflow.

00:00:00 Waiting Loop
00:00:20 Welcome, Intro Andy Needham
00:01:33 Housekeeping
00:04:33 Andy on social
00:05:59 About Andy
00:08:40 Q - The Fountain Spiral

00:09:41 Particle, Hexagon Spline Color Tunnel
00:11:36 __ Where to find Particles
00:11:55 __ Forces to work with Particles
00:12:15 __ n-Side Spline, Particle Direction
00:12:55 __ Spline Emitter in Point Mode
00:14:08 __ Instance for Generators
00:15:14 __ Force, Rotation
00:15:53 __ Effector, Time, Rotate Geometry
00:17:50 __ Modifier, Surface Attract
00:20:03 __ Colorize Particles, Color Mapper
00:23:20 __ Field Condition, Kill particles

00:25:59 Particle, Portal
00:28:06 __ Spline Emitter, Thickness
00:29:10 __ Particle Size
00:29:37 __ Color Mapper Data, Size
00:31:22 __ Preview color vs Render color
00:32:29 __ Spline Variation

00:33:23 Q - How to Open a Banana [1]
00:34:28 Q - Jet Engine exhaust
00:37:13 Q - Metahuman support in C4D
00:37:26 Q - How to close a Banana [2]
00:37:36 Q - How to eat a Banana [3]

00:38:15 Particle, Taper Tunnel and Set
00:42:41 __ Placing it into a Scene
00:43:59 __ Teal, Orange Light
00:46:28 __ Preview Render

00:47:26 Q - Sparks from Fire
00:48:11 Q -- Velocity Grit, Advection
00:49:45 Q - Viewport colors vs Redshift
00:52:07 Q -- Shader Cache if problems
00:53:00 Q -- Check version
00:53:32 Q - Particles transparency via Fields
00:58:10 Q -- Gradient's Alpha Channel
00:59:51 Q -- Color Mapper, Fields, Transparency
01:02:29 Q - RS Render, Hair, Fields, Transparency
01:03:50 Q - RealFlow vs new Particle System

01:04:56 Particles, Tree Structure
01:06:44 __ Condition, Y value, Reproduce
01:07:06 __ Branching [1], Kill
01:09:36 __ MoGraph Tracer, Branching [2]
01:11:51 __ Time Condition, Stop
01:13:50 __ Tracer to Volume

01:15:05 Q - Fireworks, trails disappear
01:17:23 Q - Particle and Voronoi Fracture
01:17:51 Q -- Default Selection
01:19:11 Q - Fire Works into shape, dissipate

01:25:33 Wrapping Up
01:26:13 Housekeeping
01:28:27 Thank you and Bye


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