Viscount Chorum 60. Last one, on sale

Описание к видео Viscount Chorum 60. Last one, on sale

One of the remaining Viscount Organs that employs digital sampling. Viscount is ultimately moving their entire organ line away from sampling to their award-winning Physis+ physical modeling techology. Viscount is the only organ manufacturer that uses Physical Modeling, a process which actually produces organ sounds that begin with A.I deep machine learning by listening to a real pipe organ. Sampling is OLD - it began in the late 40's using analog tecniques. Now done digitally, ALL other digital organs playback frozen digital recordings.

What you are hearing is the sound produced by this organs own built-in speaker system (with the addition of a small powered subwoofer). Viscount made over 2,200 organs last year. They stand behind their organs with parts and service support for decades-old instruments, and produce quality organs that sound great, are extremely reliable, and are very affordable. This last model is on sale at Graftons. Call for more information..



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