(3 Jun 1998) English/Nat

Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Guterres met his British counterpart in London on Wednesday.

He is asking for help from Tony Blair in resolving the dispute between Portugal and Indonesia over East Timor.

Also on the agenda were talks on preparations for the European Union summit in Cardiff later this month.

Antonio Guterres met Tony Blair for half-an-hour at the British Prime Minister's official Downing Street residence.

The Portuguese premier had a two-fold reason for visiting his British counterpart.

Their meeting was partly in preparation for the European Union summit to be held in the Welsh capital Cardiff later this month.

Guterres was also here seeking help in resolving the dispute between Lisbon and Jakarta over East Timor.

Hoping to profit from political changes in Indonesia following President Suharto's resignation last month, Portugal has been recruiting the help of foreign leaders to lobby Jakarta to soften its stance on the disputed territory.

Guterres is specifically campaigning for the release of Xanana Gusmao, the jailed leader of the armed separatist movement inside East Timor.

In his meeting with Blair, Guterres discussed last week's visit by British Foreign Office Minister Derek Fatchett to Indonesia, where he met opposition leaders as well as the country's new President, B-J Habibie.

Guterres thanked Britain, current holder of the E-U presidency, for its efforts over Indonesia and the problem of East Timor.

SOUNDBITE: (English)
"Our discussions were first of all about East Timor. I had the opportunity to thank the British Presidency for the efforts made during the visit of the minister to Jakarta and the way to make things easier for the release of Xanana Gusmao and the political prisoners in Indonesia and therefore to open meaningful negotiations about the future territory. We also discussed lengthy questions about the European Union. We have been very supportive of the British efforts in what regards the reform, the economic reform of Europe to make Europe more competitive. And of course this is related to the internal market and creation of jobs and many other issues. We also discussed items that will be on the table in Cardiff and also matters which relate to the future of the Union, the political future of the Union, the year 2000 , the enlargement, things that will probably not be decided in Cardiff because there is not yet a timetable. I think the consultations between the two governments are extremely important for the future."
SUPER CAPTION: Antonio Guterres, Portuguese Prime Minister

Indonesia invaded East Timor in 1975, a few months after the departure of Portugal's colonial administration, annexing the half-island the following year.

The United Nations does not recognise Indonesian rule in East Timor and has been brokering negotiations between Lisbon and Jakarta.

Lisbon wants a referendum to be held in the territory, but Jakarta has repeatedly ruled out such a move.

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