TubeMeister Deluxe 20 | Zero Watt Recording | Artist Sounds: David Gilmour clean

Описание к видео TubeMeister Deluxe 20 | Zero Watt Recording | Artist Sounds: David Gilmour clean

Look what we found in a deep dark corner of our video archive 😃

These elder short videos show a quick & dirty recording scenario with the TubeMeister Deluxe 20 and we think they deserve to go online now, despite of the antique quality from 2016 😅

In this part you see how to adjust and record David Gilmour’s sound in the blink of an eye.

By the way, no cabinet or microphone was used, so you can RECORD AT NIGHT without waking up the neighbours... 😴

More about the TubeMeister Deluxe 20:

#hughesandkettner #TubeMeister #davidgilmour


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