Tumblechef Presents... The Recipes: Dealing with Mental Blocks on Standing Handsprings

Описание к видео Tumblechef Presents... The Recipes: Dealing with Mental Blocks on Standing Handsprings

First and foremost, I would like to establish that I do not claim to be a psychologist nor psychiatrist, but I can say that I have years of experience dealing with this matter! Mental Blocks are very common in the tumbling world and can stem from many places such as anxiety, fear, stress, lack of confidence, and pressure.

Today's video will be focusing on athletes who struggle with a Standing Handspring Mental Block.With this video I would like to share some of the methods I commonly use to HELP an athlete work their way through a mental block. The key word here is "help". Remember (parents and coaches) you can only help them through it... Trying to force them through it, usually makes it worse.

When dealing with a mental block I usually break it down into a 3 parts... First, I try to help them understand their fear/block better. I try to accomplish this with a few fear tests. Second, I try to help them with a few spotting techniques. More like a wean off process. Third, I give them ways to work through it on their own. Using pre-requisite skills like back walkovers/bridges from standing help. This video will include all 3 steps. I hope it helps 😀

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