Old Taste Detective S4 古早味侦探 S4 EP6 | Traditional Char Siu Bao & Da Bao

Описание к видео Old Taste Detective S4 古早味侦探 S4 EP6 | Traditional Char Siu Bao & Da Bao

As time progresses, Cantonese-style dim sum and bao have become more refined. What was the old taste then? Host Bryan and Chef Dee visit gourmet experts, and traditional eateries to learn about the old taste of Cantonese-style dim sum and bao, to restore the old taste of Char Siu Bao and Da Bao. 广式点心与包点随着时代进步,日益精致,它们的古早风味是怎样的?主持人王禄江和厨师陈少秋寻访美食达人、老字号食肆摊档,了解广式点心与包点的古早味,并还原富有本地特色的广式叉烧包和大包,尝尝这难得的滋味。

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