Seventh Annual Bita Prize for Literature: Iraj Pezeshkzad

Описание к видео Seventh Annual Bita Prize for Literature: Iraj Pezeshkzad

The Bita Daryabari Endowment in Persian Letters, with Stanford's Iranian Studies Program, presented the Bita Prize for Literature on Friday, November 7th 2014, to Iraj Pezeshkzad.

With a special presentation by Parviz Sayyad.
Due to unavoidable technical complications, in October 2015 we created this new YouTube channel, Stanford Iranian Studies Program to replace the old StanfordISP channel. All of our videos have been added to this channel and we will continue uploading our new content here. While we were saddened to lose the significant number of views our videos collected on our old channel, we hope you will continue to follow along with us, subscribe to this channel, and share with friends and family. Thank you for your continued support of our program and interest in Iranian Studies.


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