October 1967: 100,000+ Students Flooded D.C. to Stop the American War Machine

Описание к видео October 1967: 100,000+ Students Flooded D.C. to Stop the American War Machine

NOW STREAMING: The Sixth Side of the Pentagon
Watch now: https://means.tv/programs/sixth-side-...

In October 1967, over 100,000 students + anti-war activists flooded D.C. to protest the Vietnam War.

Che Guevara had been killed two weeks earlier and for many, it was the transition from simply marching against the war, to taking direct action to try to stop the American war machine.

This film is a must-watch right now as those in power try to tell us that direct action is too radical or ineffective. History shows otherwise.

Watch now: https://means.tv/programs/sixth-side-...


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