Turning Confusion into Clarity with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

Описание к видео Turning Confusion into Clarity with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

Essential to all Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike is how to transform the turbulence and confusion in our minds into something meaningful and useful. There may be no greater inspiration for this than Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, who from 2011-2015 undertook an extensive, solitary "wandering" retreat, traveling throughout the Himalayas with no money and no possessions so as to develop renunciation and deepen his experience of Buddhist teachings. Mingyur Rinpoche has generously agreed to teach at Thrangu Monastery Canada on Monday, May 29th, 2017 @ 7pm. We are delighted and honoured that Mingyur Rinpoche, a true master of the Karma Kagyu and Nyingma lineages, will be offering us such a wonderful opportunity to improve our minds.


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