Empties! #1

Описание к видео Empties! #1

Hey guys! What’s up? :)

Here's my first empties video! Hope you'll like it and thank you so much for watching! :)

Products mentioned in this video :

The Godmother soap, Lush
Ocean Salt Scrub, Lush
Green Tea Sleeping Mask, Sephora
They're Real! Mascara, Benefit
Pure Expo Brusher, Garnier
No Pores No Shine T-Zone Treatment, Boscia
100% Pure Argan Oil, Josie Maran


My name is Alexya and I'm very happy to welcome you to my channel. If you need a little bit of positivism or happiness in your life right now you're at the right place! You will find further infos about my channel in the about section of YouTube if you're interested.

FYI, you will mostly find beauty, food, travel, fashion & lifestyle related videos in here! Thank you so much for watching this video, I really appreciate it and I would love to get your feedback if you liked it.

Let's be friends! :)
Instagram : @alexyatv
Twitter : @alexyatv
Facebook : Alexya TV

Editing software: iMovie
Camera : Canon Vixia HF R400
Music : Happy Strummin by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/

#Empties #BeautyEmpties #SkincareProducts #SkincareAddict #SkincareJunkie #Sephora #Lush #NaturalSkincare #OrganicSkincare #AlexyaTV

I will see you guys in my next video! :)

Alexya xxx


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