"Pakistan Mein Barhti Gustakhiyan: Namos-e-Risalat Ko Khatra|Podcast with Rao Abdul Raheem Advocate"

Описание к видео "Pakistan Mein Barhti Gustakhiyan: Namos-e-Risalat Ko Khatra|Podcast with Rao Abdul Raheem Advocate"

In this podcast, we have a detailed discussion with Advocate Rao Abdul Raheem Shb about the 295C and Namoos-e-Risalat cases. We explore the legal aspects of these cases, their impact on faith and justice, and what possible legal outcomes might occur according to Pakistani law.

Additionally, we discuss the work of the Legal Commission and also touch on the subject of Bilasfami law. This podcast is a must-watch for anyone interested in understanding legal cases and the intricacies of Bilasfami law. Don't forget to:

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