Preparing for Your U.S. Immigrant Visa Interview

Описание к видео Preparing for Your U.S. Immigrant Visa Interview

Follow along with this video as it walks through the steps required to properly prepare for your U.S. Immigrant Visa interview!

To view in other languages:

English:    • Preparing for Your U.S. Immigrant Vis...  
Spanish:    • Cómo prepararte para la entrevista de...  
French:    • Comment se préparer pour un entretien...  
Portuguese:    • Preparação para a entrevista de visto...  
Chinese:    • 为美国移民签证面谈做准备  
Russian:    • Подготовка к интервью на получение им...  
Arabic:    • الاستعداد لمقابلة تأشيرة الهجرة إلى ا...  
Urdu:    • امریکہ کے لیے امیگرنٹ ویزا کے انٹرویو...  

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