Digimon Savers: Another Mission - All Attacks (Updated!)

Описание к видео Digimon Savers: Another Mission - All Attacks (Updated!)

All Attacks from all Digimon in the game, in alphabetical order and in 720p HD because why not.
A list of the Digimon with time stamps can be found below.

The clips start after the cut to the camera angle used for the beginning of the attack animation or, if there is no cut before the attack, when the name of the attack appears.
The clips end when the name of the attack disappears or in case of longer attacks once the last particle effect generated by the attack disappears.
I wish I could turn off that background music.

This video is the new and final version which now also includes Lucemon Satan Mode's "Wrath of Satan" attack and Gururumon (I forgot him last time...)

Thanks to TMS subtitles are available for translated attack names!

Time Stamp Index:

00:00 Agumon
00:31 Agumon (Black)
00:51 Airdramon
01:13 Angemon
01:38 Angewomon
02:03 Aquilamon
02:26 Bakemon
02:48 BanchouLeomon
03:10 Barbamon
03:33 Beelzebumon
03:54 Belphemon
04:17 Birdramon
04:51 BlackGrowmon
05:11 BlackTailmon
05:32 BlackWarGreymon
05:55 BlueMeramon
06:19 Butterflamon
06:40 Candmon
07:00 ChaosDukemon
07:24 Chaosmon
07:45 ClearAgumon
08:04 Darkdramon
08:24 Deathmon
08:44 Deathmon (Black)
09:04 Demon
09:27 Devimon
09:50 DORUmon
10:10 Dukemon
10:34 Etemon
10:59 Falcomon
11:28 Gabumon
11:47 Gabumon (Black)
12:06 Gaogamon
12:38 Gaomon
13:10 Garudamon
13:42 Garurumon
14:01 Garurumon (Black)
14:21 Gawappamon
14:37 GeoGreymon
15:11 Geremon
15:31 Goburimon
15:53 GoldNumemon
16:13 Gottsumon
16:33 Greymon
16:54 Greymon (Black)
17:15 Growmon
17:36 Growmon (Orange)
17:56 Guilmon
18:17 Gururumon
18:36 Hagurumon
18:56 HolyAngemon
19:16 Hououmon
19:51 IceDevimon
20:14 Icemon
20:35 Impmon
20:56 Insekimon
21:15 JumboGamemon
21:36 Kamemon
21:52 Keramon
22:12 Kokuwamon
22:34 Kudamon
22:50 Kyubimon
23:21 LadyDevimon
23:40 Lalamon
24:14 Leomon
24:34 Leviamon
24:56 Lilamon
25:31 Lilithmon
25:58 Lucemon Falldown Mode
26:24 Lucemon Satan Mode
27:34 MachGaogamon
28:07 Mambomon
28:26 Mammon
28:47 MarinAngemon
29:09 MegaloGrowmon
29:29 MegaloGrowmon (Orange)
29:49 MegaSeadramon
30:13 Meramon
30:37 Mercurimon
30:59 MetalGarurumon
31:19 MetalGarurumon (Black)
31:38 Minervamon
32:01 MirageGaogamon
32:33 Monzaemon
32:54 Moon-Millenniumon
33:13 Moosemon
33:35 Neptunemon
33:57 Numemon
34:18 Omegamon
34:40 Otamamon
35:01 Otamamon (Red)
35:21 Palmon
35:41 Pandamon
36:03 Patamon
36:21 PawnChessmon (Black)
36:40 PawnChessmon (White)
37:00 Peckmon
37:30 Pegasmon
37:51 PicoDevimon
38:11 Piyomon
38:43 PlatinumNumemon
39:04 Plotmon
39:24 Psychemon
39:43 Pteranomon
40:04 Pumpmon
40:25 Qilinmon
40:42 Ravmon
41:14 Renamon
41:43 Reppamon
41:59 RiseGreymon
42:30 Rosemon
43:14 Sakyuamon
43:48 Shamamon
44:10 Shawujinmon
44:30 ShimaUnimon
44:52 ShineGreymon
45:37 Sleipmon
45:55 Solarmon
46:13 Soulmon
46:35 Starmon
46:56 Stingmon
47:19 Sunflowmon
47:55 SuperStarmon
48:16 Tailmon
48:36 Taomon
49:09 Toucanmon
49:28 ToyAgumon
49:46 ToyAgumon (Black)
50:06 Tsukaimon
50:25 Tylomon
50:47 Tyumon
51:08 Unimon
51:28 V-mon
51:50 Valvemon
52:10 Vamdemon
52:33 WarGreymon
52:56 WarGreymon X-Antibody
53:20 WaruSeadramon
53:45 WereGarurumon
54:06 WereGarurumon (Black)
54:26 Whamon
54:50 Woodmon
55:10 Yanmamon
55:30 Yatagaramon
56:02 YukiAgumon


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