"So you must be the first that gives this sentence" - Measure for Measure (Kate Nelligan)

Описание к видео "So you must be the first that gives this sentence" - Measure for Measure (Kate Nelligan)

So you must be the first that gives this sentence,
And he, that suffer's. O, it is excellent
To have a giant's strength; but it is tyrannous
To use it like a giant.
[Aside to ISABELLA] That's well said.
Could great men thunder
As Jove himself does, Jove would ne'er be quiet,
For every pelting, petty officer
Would use his heaven for thunder;
Nothing but thunder! Merciful Heaven,
Thou rather with thy sharp and sulphurous bolt
Split'st the unwedgeable and gnarled oak
Than the soft myrtle: but man, proud man,
Drest in a little brief authority,
Most ignorant of what he's most assured,
His glassy essence, like an angry ape,
Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven
As make the angels weep; who, with our spleens,
Would all themselves laugh mortal.
[Aside to ISABELLA] O, to him, to him, wench! he
will relent;
He's coming; I perceive 't.
[Aside] Pray heaven she win him!
We cannot weigh our brother with ourself:
Great men may jest with saints; 'tis wit in them,
But in the less foul profanation.
Thou'rt i' the right, girl; more o, that.
That in the captain's but a choleric word,
Which in the soldier is flat blasphemy.
[Aside to ISABELLA] Art avised o' that? more on 't.
Why do you put these sayings upon me?
Because authority, though it err like others,
Hath yet a kind of medicine in itself,
That skins the vice o' the top. Go to your bosom;
Knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know
That's like my brother's fault: if it confess
A natural guiltiness such as is his,
Let it not sound a thought upon your tongue
Against my brother's life.


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